We are reaching out to Local Area Non-Profit Organizations that are looking for new and fun ways to raise money by Hosting Events at the Live Casino, inside their Second Floor "Venue Live"

Your Organization must be a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
Casino already Hosts a Bingo every Monday
We would then "Partner" and Host a Event Using the Bingo Given Funds

We can meet Members of Your Organization at the Casino Offices to have your Non-Profit be Approved by the Casino
(That We Previously have Hosted)
We would Meet and Decide what Event Better Suits Your Organization
Can Be Any Event - Not Limited to Listed Below (These are EXAMPLES)
  • Glitz 'n Glam Bash
  • Wine 'n Shine Palooza
  • Golf Bash
  • Healthy 4 Life
  • Cabela's Fishing Bash
  • Yummy Tummy Fest
  • Girls Day Out Jewelry Bash
  • Cabela's Camping Bash
  • Summer Palooza
  • Firecracker Palooza
  • Cabela's Hunting Bash
  • Hallo"Wine" Fest
  • Gobble Gobble Food Fest
  • SantaPalooza Gift Bash
Events could be in any Month but these seem to match up well with the season
Let's Get Together and Decide what Event Best Suits Your Organization

If You are interested and looking for a Promoter to Partner with, then please send us a follow-up email with contact names and information so we can reach out and set up a meeting